Comments on: Pseudoscience book: Killing us softly Looking at the science and countering the misinformation on fluoridation Wed, 19 Oct 2016 20:16:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel Ryan Sun, 31 Jan 2016 02:04:53 +0000 “So experts think for you.”
Nope. I said they check over what I say. If I make any mistakes in the science I would hope they would pick it up.

“Government “experts” who bleed the taxpayers dry to do the bidding of the depopulation lobby.”
I didn’t say government experts.

“Learn to think for yourself and to speak for yourself.”
More insults…

By: Water fluoridation does not have a feminising effect - Making Sense of Fluoride Sun, 28 Jun 2015 07:02:12 +0000 […] Fluoride causes gays screenshot This screenshot was taken from our website comments here. […]

By: Kevin Galalae Sun, 28 Jun 2015 04:03:27 +0000 In reply to Daniel Ryan.

Experts check what you say. So experts think for you. Government “experts” who bleed the taxpayers dry to do the bidding of the depopulation lobby. Jesus, kid, you really are out of your lead. Learn to think for yourself and to speak for yourself.

I give you credit for keeping your cool though. Take care, kid.

By: Daniel Ryan Sun, 28 Jun 2015 03:53:14 +0000 In reply to Daniel Ryan.

Are insults all you have? You don’t have something better to do?

“It looks like your only claim to fame, Ryan, is to discredit homeopathy on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry since that is the extent of the activities of the NZ Skeptics and the Society of Science Based Healthcare.”
I have no fame. But I’m a committee member for NZ Skeptics and a co-founder of SBH.

“Judging by your geeky face, bad vision and puny physique it looks like you are a primary victim of the fluoridation of New Zealand’s water.”
So nothing of me being a computer geek? Most of my days is being in front of a computer. You definitely have strong confirmation bias.

“posing as some kind of expert on the “benefits” of fluoridation”
Aren’t you doing the same? I’ve never said I’m an expert but I do have experts check over what I say.

“Kid, stay the fuck out of this since you are out of your league.”
Actually MSoF have done plenty to stop the misinformation around the net. Of course there is room for improvement.

“surmise that you are gay which only reinforces the conclusion that you have been severely damaged by the fluoridation campaign.”
Wow… You must be hating the rainbow profile images on Facebook atm. No, I’m not gay but I support same sex marriage and adoption.

“fluoridation of the water supply raises the incidence of sexual confusion from a naturally occurring rate of c.4% to an artificially high rate of c. 15%.”
I’ve read blog posts about it and laughed. There is no evidence to actually show this.

“Regurgitating government propaganda will not get you a job in government”
I’m not aiming for a government job.

I think we should leave it here and agree to disagree.

By: Kevin Galalae Sun, 28 Jun 2015 02:51:39 +0000 In reply to Daniel Ryan.

It looks like your only claim to fame, Ryan, is to discredit homeopathy on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry since that is the extent of the activities of the NZ Skeptics and the Society of Science Based Healthcare. Judging by your geeky face, bad vision and puny physique it looks like you are a primary victim of the fluoridation of New Zealand’s water. It also looks like you just stopped sucking on a pacifier and have yet to shave but you are nevertheless posing as some kind of expert on the “benefits” of fluoridation even though you just finished high school. Kid, stay the fuck out of this since you are out of your league.

Judging by your membership in the group “Support Gay Adoption NZ” one can also surmise that you are gay which only reinforces the conclusion that you have been severely damaged by the fluoridation campaign. You may or may not know that fluoridation of the water supply raises the incidence of sexual confusion from a naturally occurring rate of c.4% to an artificially high rate of c. 15%.

Regurgitating government propaganda will not get you a job in government, if that is what you are gunning for, since the old guard is about to fall. You are betting on the wrong horse, kid. And the pharmaceutical industry does what it’s told by policy makers but policy is about to change and the pharmaceutical industry will soon lose all its clout since the poisoning of humanity will no longer be needed once the population control effort is brought out into the open and legislated.

By: Daniel Ryan Sun, 28 Jun 2015 01:51:26 +0000 In reply to Daniel Ryan.

“If you are paid to spread these lies”
I will repeat again – I am not getting paid. I started MSoF to fight back the misinformation. I pay for the server out of my own money.

“You clearly have a vested interest in this and it has nothing to do with the wellbeing of your fellow man but only with your self-interest.”
And what is my self-interest? You continue to slander me with no evidence to back anything up.
Continuing to paint me as an enemy. Because your views can’t think otherwise. But for someone that believes the world’s scientists are in a large conspiracy, I see why you think that.

“Who is funding your “cricket company”, ”
It’s not “my” cricket company. It’s my job, which has nothing to do with what I do here.

“by the way, and why would you be interested in a subject that you have no formal training in”
I am a skeptic. I help other organisations like NZ Skeptics and Society of Science Based Healthcare. I got into this subject because the amount of scaremongering the anti-fluoride groups were doing. It started as a simple Facebook page to fight the misinformation and it grew from there. I will fight against any pseudoscience, not just the fluoride subject.

“You are no dentist and you are no scientist. ”
Neither are you. It’s easy to uncover you for what you are.

“And stop working against the wellbeing of mankind just so you can feather your own nest.”
Right back at you.

“Read my books”
Yes always back to your books because that is all you have.

By: Kevin Galalae Sat, 27 Jun 2015 14:09:49 +0000 In reply to Daniel Ryan.

You are soft in the head if you believe fluoride, which is a deadly poison, has a positive effect on teeth. If you are paid to spread these lies you at least have a chance of abandoning profit for decency, but if you are stupid you have no chance in hell. Of course, if you were stupid you would just mind your business and be oblivious of what is going on but because you are being paid you spend all your time disseminating propaganda and regurgitating false science produced by false scientists in the employ of the government; a government intent on accomplishing its demographic objectives.

You clearly have a vested interest in this and it has nothing to do with the wellbeing of your fellow man but only with your self-interest.

Who is funding your “cricket company”, by the way, and why would you be interested in a subject that you have no formal training in and no obvious connection to. You are no dentist and you are no scientist. Why would a programmer run a website that defends the poisoning of humanity? You see just how easy it easy to uncover you for what you are!

Read my books and you will see just how many scientists and organizations assert the very opposite you say.

And stop working against the wellbeing of mankind just so you can feather your own nest.

By: Daniel Ryan Sat, 27 Jun 2015 12:16:24 +0000 In reply to Daniel Ryan.

“So you are a programmer paid by the New Zealand government”
Stop making up misinformation about me. I don’t even know how you got that idea. I’m at programmer at CricHQ. A cricket company that has nothing to do with the NZ government.

“and have no scientific background”
Personally I don’t, what is the problem here? But we have many of health experts and scientists helping MSoF.
Do you have a scientific background?

“And as for evidence of the lethal threat fluoride poses, I have provided two books on the subject and incontrovertible scientific evidence while you provide absolutely nothing”
MSoF accepts the scientific consensus that fluoridation is safe and effective.
If you want to convince me you need peer reviewed material not books.

There have been 17 major peer-reviews of fluoridation undertaken across the world by recognised academic authorities in the past twenty years:

All showing the safety and efficiency of fluoridation. There is no respected health organisation that is against fluoridation.

Dental leaders, representing over one million dentists in 134 countries, reaffirmed their strong support for fluoridation as essential in promoting oral health. The assembly of the annual meeting of the FDI, world dental federation, reaffirmed its strong support for fluoridation at its latest meeting.

“You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you in the arse.”
Right back at you.

“You are after all paid to disseminate lies and seem to have no problems with it.”
Again making up lies, you know nothing about me. Seems you have to paint me as an enemy, since I don’t follow your views. Are you going to threaten me too?

You are the one getting paid (your books) for making up misinformation. All you are doing is scaremongering about fluoride doing unnecessary harm to children.

The Royal Society Review suggested that removing fluoridation would have direct and indirect costs to society. “Tooth decay is responsible for significant health loss (lost years of healthy life) in New Zealand. The ‘burden’ of the disease – its ‘cost’ in terms of lost years of healthy life – is equivalent to 3/4 that of prostate cancer, and 2/5 that of breast cancer in New Zealand. Tooth decay thus has substantial direct and indirect costs to society.”

By: Kevin Galalae Sat, 27 Jun 2015 11:36:26 +0000 In reply to Daniel Ryan.

So you are a programmer paid by the New Zealand government to spread misinformation about the supposed benefits of fluoride and have no scientific background. Now the truth comes out. You and the cabal you work for lost this battle. No one buys the lies you disseminate anymore. And as for evidence of the lethal threat fluoride poses, I have provided two books on the subject and incontrovertible scientific evidence while you provide absolutely nothing.

The books in question are “Chemical and Biological Depopulation”, which can be purchased here:
Or obtained free of cost here:

And my latest book, “Peace Without Poison”, which has 3 volumes and 1060 pages of scientific evidence and can be purchased here:
Or obtained free of cost here:

You ask why I am here now. Because I only noticed your diatribe against me and my book a few days ago and as soon as I noticed it I had to set the record straight. I don’t give criminals any chance to get away with murder and then have the temerity to claim that they are doing mankind a favor. That kind of perversity must be uprooted from the face of the earth, as it represents the worst in human nature.

You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you in the arse. You are after all paid to disseminate lies and seem to have no problems with it.

By: Daniel Ryan Sat, 27 Jun 2015 02:43:15 +0000 In reply to Kevin Galalae.

Why are you here? This was posted a year and a half ago. You seem to be posting to boost yourself up; posting to your books and your videos.

“All you did is try to maintain the illusion that fluoride is good for teeth”
I said nothing about fluoride is good for the teeth in this post. But unlike you I trust science and the scientific community.

“Attesting to the fact that you engage in censorship”
I have a problem with opinion pieces trying to masquerade as SSRN’s “top quality research”.

“is that you did not allow the two videos I tried to post here in response to your misinformation”
You spammed 2 comments of just youtube links.
You will find MSoF allows a lot of freedom of speech on it’s Facebook page and here. Unlike most anti-fluoride pages, that you seem to have no problem with. Why is it that our members get quickly banned when trying to discuss the matter in a friendly matter? We try online debate with anti-fluoridationists leaders and they turn us down.

“And then you wonder why you receive death threats!”
Still wondering why…

“When you poison your fellow man and then pretend to do them a favor ”
Fluoride is a beneficial trace element. Everything is a poison in the wrong dose. But at 0.7-1.0 ppm is it both safe and effective. I would post systematic reviews but I doubt you trust anything I post.

“just so you can earn upwards of a quarter of a million dollars a year from people’s suffering of course people will get angry.”
Are you saying I am earning money? Where is this money coming from? I wouldn’t be in a full time programmer if that was the case. I do this in my spare time, out of my own money, to help people and stop the spread of misinformation.

“You and your brethren poison our children into illness, imbecility and sterility and as such pose a lethal threat to the entire population.”
We have nothing to do with putting fluoride in the water. It is up to community if they want it and in NZ the majority want it. There is no links to harm from fluoride at the levels we have in water.

“You should at last have the decency to shut up”
If you going to post here have the decency to be polite.

“Perhaps you will shut up when you see the latest statistics on infertility and childlessness in the US (where it is now at 48%) and elsewhere in the West. Here is just a sample”
Which has nothing to do with fluoridation, otherwise why now? Fluoride has been in the water for 70 years.
Cherry picking a couple of countries doesn’t help your case. Fluoride is world wide. India and China have a dangerous amount of fluoride in their water, yet you don’t see their numbers slowing down.

“I am letting you know that the world’s doctors and scientists have invited me to present my evidence of global genocide at the “3rd International Conference on Epidemiology and Emerging Diseases” in Valencia, Spain, from 4-6 August 2015.”
Can’t say I’ve heard of it. But I’ll look into it.

“If that is not professional validation of my work exposing fluoride and other endocrine disruptors as methods of depopulation then I don’t know what is.”
It would be validation if they accept what you have said. Currently it means nothing. Feel free to update me on what they think.

Yes I have actually watched some of your hunger strike videos.

Want the honest truth? I see you as a dangerous and a paranoid person. I’ve seen the threats you have said online and your above post doesn’t help your case.
