Fluoride Free Hamilton misinformation on Dr Saunders talk
I see that Pat McNair has posted the following on the Fluoride Free Hamilton page. Since I can't comment there, I'm going to respond below, as it seems her recollection of what was said by [...]
The maths to achieve a fluoride load commensurate with chronic fluorosis
A colleague (an analytical chemist) has done the maths for us on the amount of water someone would have to drink in order to achieve a fluoride load commensurate with chronic fluorosis (around 20mg/kg dry [...]
Silver lining
For a while now I have thought the mistake of the Hamilton City Council was a cloud with a silver lining. It was a wake-up call to people concerned with evidence based approaches to health [...]
Drinking ‘pure’ water
We've had quite a few comments lately along the lines of wanting fluoride removed so that we are drinking 'pure' water. However, the cessation of fluoridation by itself won't achieve that. Hamilton's water hasn't had [...]
People sleeping at the Fluoride Free Hamilton meeting
"He put at least 6 people to sleep". Click to read article. It's been a fine afternoon in Hamilton so I thought I would wander in to the Fluoride Free Hamilton Information meeting. [...]
Another example of a paper not showing what’s claimed for
Another example of a paper not showing what's claimed for it: Let's look at Bataineh & Nusier's 2006 report on the effects of sodium fluoride (NaF) on behaviour and reproduction in male rats. In the [...]
Arguing against fluoridation
A common technique of those arguing against fluoridation on the MSoF Facebook page is to dump large amounts of copypasta (from various sources) & tell us that if we'd only read it we'd see the [...]
List of peer reviewed papers from this year on fluoridation
I have made a list of peer-reviewed papers from this year that I've found. Conclusion - it is still an effective way to prevent dental caries. Fluoridation and dental caries severity in young children treated under [...]
Questions regarding fluoridation were asked to the candidates of the the Dunedin City Council, and Mayor
Two questions on community water fluoridation were asked to the candidates of the Dunedin City Council, and Mayor. Responses were solicited via both vote.co.nz, and by email. The questions were as follows: “Firstly, what is [...]
Science vs Pseudoscience
I see this image is doing the rounds, since it was posted on the I f* love science page. Funny thing is I saw this posted on some of the anti-fluoride groups. I could touch on [...]