Why doesn’t Japan use community water fluoridation?
Why doesn't Japan use community water fluoridation? This has been repeated several times on our page, so I finally did a little research around this. Firstly, Japan has not banned water fluoridation, they allow up [...]
‘Other countries don’t do it’ excuse
I've heard the "other countries don't do it" excuse many times when I bring up water fluoridation. People seem to forget that 1.1 billion people do not have access to an improved source of drinking [...]
Major plagiarism in ‘Ireland’s Dental magazine’
Mr Stewart, a freelance “investigative” journalist, had an anti-fluoride piece published this week in the ‘Ireland's Dental magazine’(IDM) on page 20. Horrified by the terrible misrepresentations made in his article we decided to undertake some [...]
Guest post: The Anti-Fluoride Campaign
We received this school project essay and I say it is spot on! What would you grade it? The writer wants to stay anonymous. The Anti-Fluoride Campaign: Fluoride is a horrific substance. It is [...]
US elections show majority support for fluoridation
US elections show majority support for fluoridation. Several communities in the US have been holding fluoridation referendum alongside the mid-term elections. Not all results are in yet but indications are that any swing against fluoridation has [...]
Declan Waugh caught out telling porkies again.
Declan Waugh has a shocking record of misrepresenting the scientific literature dealing with fluoride. This time he is directing his scaremongering at New Zealand and misrepresenting a New Zealand scientific report on fluoride intake (Cressey, [...]
The National Fluoride Information Service (NFIS) contract is ending
The National Fluoride Information Service (NFIS) contract is ending on 20 January 2015. "...the Ministry considers that it is no longer necessary to continue to fund the full range of independent scientific and advisory services [...]
End of the discussion with Rita Barnett-rose
This will be the final post on the public discussion with associated professor Rita Barnett-rose. Rita has told me she not be following up on my last reply with her. She says "I have attempted to [...]
Friends with ‘Friends of Science in Medicine’
We are now on the Friends of Science in Medicine (FSM) supporters list. For those who have not heard of FSM, they are an association (based in Australia) which supports evidence-based medicine and strongly opposes [...]
How do astronauts brush their teeth? Do they eat the toothpaste?
How do astronauts brush their teeth? "Astronauts use the same toothpaste as on Earth and can even select their preferred brand. Instead of rinsing with water and then spitting into a sink, astronauts spit toothpaste [...]