Discussion – Compulsory Water Fluoridation: Second Response To Rita Barnett-rose
This is my second response to Associate Professor Rita Barnett-Rose to her paper “Compulsory water fluoridation: justifiable public health benefit or human experimental research without informed consent”. Again I wish to thank Rita for acknowledging [...]
Guest post: Lifting the Curtain on the Anti-Fluoridation movement
Gerry Byrne, who runs Fluoridation of Irish Water is Harmless Facebook page sent this to Dublin City Councillors today: Lifting the Curtain on the Anti-Fluoridation movement A recent email to your good selves [...]
Discussion – RE: CWF Working Paper Article
Associate Professor Rita Barnett-Rose replied back to my critique on her paper “Compulsory water fluoridation: justifiable public health benefit or human experimental research without informed consent”. I like to thank Rita for getting an independent review [...]
Discussion – Compulsory Water fluoridation: A Response to Rita Barnett-Rose
I have contacted Associate Professor Rita Barnett-Rose about her unpublished paper “Compulsory water fluoridation: justifiable public health benefit or human experimental research without informed consent” (you can read a copy here: http://works.bepress.com/rita_barnett/3/). It concluded that [...]
Incorporated society?!
We are now officially registered as an incorporated society!
Common seal
Very close in becoming an incorporated society 🙂 We now have our common seal stamp.
Guest Post: Dr Steve Slott debunks “Review confirms fluoridation must end”
Anti-fluoridationists will continue to try to dupe the public with their articles on the latest review "Health effects of water fluoridation: A review of the scientific evidence". One press release item shocked me a little that [...]
Skepticism Today podcast: Chat on fluoridation and ASA complaints
I was interviewed on Sunday for the Skepticism Today podcast about fluoridation. Skepticism Today is an hour-long monthly skeptical podcast talk about recent news and events of interest to skeptics – both NZ based and [...]
Society for Science Based Healthcare
There is a new society in NZ called "Society for Science Based Healthcare" (SBH). It is a New Zealand based advocacy group that aims to promote a scientific basis for healthcare in New Zealand and [...]
Fluoridation: surfing the misinformation wave
I wrote an article "Fluoridation: surfing the misinformation wave" for the NZ Skeptics Journal a while back for issue 111.