news Archives - Making Sense of Fluoride Looking at the science and countering the misinformation on fluoridation Wed, 19 Oct 2016 20:15:58 +0000 en-NZ hourly 1 news Archives - Making Sense of Fluoride 32 32 95836163 Surge of fluoridation news in NZ Mon, 18 Apr 2016 03:04:55 +0000 I've never seen so much fluoridation news in the NZ media. It started on the 12th of April when the Government announced a legislation plan that will move responsibility for water fluoridation from local councils to District Health Boards. Most of the media generally have a positive look towards water fluoridation with only some trying [...]

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I’ve never seen so much fluoridation news in the NZ media. It started on the 12th of April when the Government announced a legislation plan that will move responsibility for water fluoridation from local councils to District Health Boards. Most of the media generally have a positive look towards water fluoridation with only some trying to do false balance with the anti-fluoride material.

This is the main coverage in the media, just don’t read the comments 🙂

Bay of Plenty Times
14th April
Editorial: DHBs best on fluoride choice
Water fluoridation in hands of health boards

16th April
Fluoridation decision takes away rights says campaigner

Dominion Post
14th April
Editorial: It’s right to switch the fluoride debate from local bodies to DHBs

Hawke’s Bay Today
13th April
Fluoridation possible: DHB

12th April
Changes to Napier’s drinking water part of “mandatory fluoridation by stealth”‘, says anti fluoride lobby
Napier’s ‘unadulterated’ water supply to be fluoridated?

Manawatu Standard
13th April
DHB’s possible fluoride decisions also to be met by vigorous lobbying

Nelson Mail
13th April
NMDHB supportive of decision to take control of water fluoridation

15th April
Fluoridation move leaves bad taste for TDC

12th April
Govt wants DHBs to control fluoride
Fluoridation a no brainer says dentist / Govt praised for giving DHBs fluoride responsibility

14th April
PHA: Fluoridation battle not over

Newstalk ZB
12th April
DHBs given power to decide on fluoridation

13th April
DHBs may need more help to deal with fluoridation – Labour

NZ Herald
12th April
Govt proposes to give District Health Boards power to decide on water fluorination

14th April
Editorial: Government ought to show spine on fluoride

16th April
Nano Girl Michelle Dickinson: The quality of science

12th April
Fluoride decisions to be shifted to DHBs
Stoushes over fluoride in water

Otago Daily Times
12th April
DHBs to decide on fluoridation
Concerns over cost of adding fluoride

15th April
Saving our children’s teeth

Radio Live
12th April
It’s now up to DHBs to decide on fluoride in water

13th April
DHBs to make fluoride decision “a step in the right direction”

12th April
DHBs could make call on fluoridating water
Fluoride responsibility shifts to DHBs

13th April
More communities likely to fluoridate – DHB head

Rotorua Daily Post
13th April
Bill reopens fluoride debate

14th April
Editorial: Kids’ teeth a concern we must all share

12th April
Water fluoridation: DHBs to take control from councils under Govt proposal

13th April
Health boards to handle water fluoridation
Why has Government proposed DHBs decide on water fluoridation? And what is fluoride anyway?
Southland and Gore districts face possible water fluoridation

14th April
Canterbury water could be fluoridated by 2018

15th April
Poll shows most oppose adding fluoride to Christchurch water

18th April
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says DHBs ‘more motivated’ than councils to fluoridate water

Sun Live
14th April
DHBs could decide water fluoridation

Taranaki Daily News
14th April
Taranaki’s mayors delighted fluoridation of water debate is off their agendas

15th April
Ross Henderson: Government’s decision to put fluoridation decisions into DHB hands a good call

The Northern Advocate
16th April
Northland DHB upbeat on fluoride issue

The Press
14th April
Editorial: Fluoride’s benefits beyond doubt but Government’s approach weak-kneed

The Southland Times
13th April
Southlanders speak: yes or no to fluoride?

14th April
Fluoridation costs will fall on ratepayers

15th April
Fluoridation – it’s a health debate

The Wanganui Chronicle
15th April
Bill puts fluoridation in DHBs’ hands

Timaru Herald
14th April
SCDHB welcomes government proposal on fluoridation

12th April
DHBs to have control over fluoride in water, not local councils
‘If we can get more fluoride in the water tooth decay will decrease by 40% in children’

Whakatane Beacon
15th April
Fluoride debate not yet over

The post Surge of fluoridation news in NZ appeared first on Making Sense of Fluoride.

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