So you support community water fluoridation as a social health policy and want to help our work. Here are some ideas to consider.

  1. Join making sense of Fluoride. Increased membership will help us to be more effective in countering the anti-fluoride propaganda. Contact us – if you are interested, tell a little bit about yourself and how you can help out.
  2. Keep yourself informed on the issue. Two ways to do this are to subscribe to this website so that you receive an email each time a new article appears and to “like” our Facebook page which regularly posts relevant news and articles. Other sources of regular information are:
  3. Help counter misinformation in the media and online. Keep an eye on “letters to the editor” columns in your local newspapers and respond to articles or letters which spread misinformation. Contribute to online discussions on blogs, newspapers and social media like Facebook and Twitter to counter similar misinformation.
  4. Keep an eye on your local body news. Councils must regularly consider the fluoridation issue and it is always controversial. Anti-fluoridation activists devote a lot of their energy to pressuring councils. By making your Council aware of the other side of the argument you will help make sure they are not captured by activists in the way Hamilton City Council was.
  5. Make submissions to your local council when the issue arises. These need not be extensive or thoroughly researched (have a look at submissions made by others and you will see they are often just an expression of opinion).
  6. Write personal letters or emails to your council representatives when the issue arises. It helps if they are aware of how voters feel on the issue and they are certainly contacted by the anti-fluoride activists.

Finally, contact us if you think there other ways you can help, or if you wish to suggest something we should be doing, or doing better.