Waikato DHB video showing a summary of their answers from the ‪‎Hamilton‬ ‪‎fluoride‬ tribunal.


Speakers listed chronologically (thanks to Andrew Sparrow):

Dr. Robyn Haisman (RH), Chief Dental Officer, Ministry of Health
Dr. Felicity Dumble (FD), Medical Officer of Health, Waikato DHB
Jill Dibble (JD), Group Manager Rural and Community Services, Waikato DHB
Dr. Rob Aitken (RA), Principal Dental Officer, Waikato DHB
Dr. Pat Tuohy (PT), Chief Advisor Child Health, Ministry of Health

  1. Fluoride Works by topical application to teeth. RH.
  2. There is no known benefit of fluoride to pre-eruptive teeth. RH.
  3. Swallowing fluoride toothpaste is harmful to health. RH.
  4. Response to Paul Connett’s book, three key reasons they don’t accept the position that it is harmful. FD.
  5. Lowest level they would consider beneficial. FD.
  6. Level of fluoride ingested by one person would you consider too much, or a dose that would cause a poison reaction. RH.
  7. Informing the public about the use of fluoride, how do they do that (not answered directly). FD.
  8. Statement on the budget for informing the public (general statement). JD.
  9. When was the last time the Ministry of Health or Waikato Health DHB carried out a comprehensive review of the literature, science and medical research. RH.
  10. Information given to Hamilton parents, on the dangers of using fluoridated water for formula for babies. RA.
  11. What long-term effect does the higher fluoride intake have on bottle fed babies, as they become children and adults. RA.
  12. Upper levels of fluoride in bottled formula. RA.
  13. Would more fluoride in the water give a greater effect. RA.
  14. Fluorosis and the ongoing health effects. (important statement at 12:28). RA.
  15. Effects on infant health, when using fluoridated water to mix formula. PT.
  16. Response to low fluoride in breast milk. PT.
  17. Statement on research of the health effects of long-term ingestion. FD.
  18. Response to research from Ireland (the Declan Waugh report for Enviro Management Services) . FD.
  19. Statement on research about safety and efficacy. FD.
  20. Statement on the effect on pre-eruptive teeth. FD.
  21. What do they regard as the safe level. FD.
  22. Additional information about long-term health and behaviour effects. RH.
  23. A response to Dr. Jane Beck’s figures. FD.
  24. Statement of significance of caries reduction. FD.
  25. Statement on reflection of diet and consumption of sugar. FD.
  26. How Hamilton DHB compares to other DHB’s around the country. FD.
  27. Statement on involvement in Weet-bix promotions and so forth... FD.
  28. Statement on a specific picture of tooth decay. RA.
  29. Response to comparison to non-fluoridated communities. FD.
  30. Statement of budget devoted to programme. JD.