Fluoride Free Hamilton is up to their tactics of misrepresentation and scaremongering again. They are raising financial scares with the assertion that the “unbudgeted cost of getting the fluoride plant back into working order” is $100,000. Wrong.
The council had said “Costs for council to reintroduce fluoride is $100,000, which has been considered as part of Council’s annual budget round.” So it is budgeted – but the details are interesting.

“to be financially prudent and conservative ahead of any decision, $100,000 has been added to the 2014/15 budget for both the operational costs ($50,000) of re-commencing fluoridation and anticipated legal costs.”

So operational costs are as before (about $48,000 per year) but $50,000 has been put aside for the anticipated legal costs.
These are costs which could be incurred because of Fluoride Free’s threatened legal action. Action which has no chance of success after the High Court judgement.
So we have the trouble makers complaining about the costs of their own troublemaking!