Happy 71st birthday, water fluoridation: born January 25, 1945 in Grand Rapids, MI. This water sculpture was erected to commemorate the 50th anniversary of fluoridation.

On the plaque:

On January 25, 1945 Grand Rapids was the first community in the world to reduce tooth decay by adding fluoride to its water supply. This sculpture was commissioned to celebrate and
commemorate that historic event.

Before water fluoridation, many people lost all of their teeth at an early age. Recruits were often rejected for service to their country in World War 2 because of tooth loss due to uncontrolled cavities. Water fluoridation was the first step in restoring good oral health for our nation and indeed the world.

Dental decay affects nearly all of the world’s population, but through water fluoridation cavities were decreased by up to 65%. Grand Rapids’ pioneering step in advancing public health has spread worldwide, improving health and alleviating needless pain and suffering.