For Immediate Release – 4 November 2015

Anti-fluoridation campaign in Thames breaches Advertising rules

As voting in the Thames fluoridation referendum enters its final hours, MSoF has learned that complaints against the opponents’ campaign signs and material have been upheld by the Advertising Standards Authority.

Details of the complaint will be released publicly on Monday (9 November) but it can be confirmed that the Authority found the anti-fluoridation material to be misleading and designed to play on consumers’ fear.

“An independent agency has now confirmed that the people of Thames have been intentionally misled by fluoridation opponents using scare tactics to try to influence their vote,” says MSoF president Daniel Ryan. “Votes can still be cast until noon tomorrow (Thursday 5 November). We hope Thames residents have seen through the scaremongering and that the results will support the continuation of fluoridation in Thames. Regardless of the outcome, the credibility of the vote tally opposing fluoridation may need to be re-examined in light of this ASA ruling.”

For more information, contact:

Daniel Ryan

President, Making Sense of Fluoride

[email protected]

April Chang

Media Relations, Making Sense of Fluoride

[email protected]