For Immediate Release
5 November 2015

Thames Voters Overwhelmingly Reject Anti-Fluoridation Efforts

MSoF is greatly encouraged that the people of Thames have voted decisively to continue fluoridation and retain the safe and proven protection that fluoridation has delivered to the community since 1971.

The referendum results are particularly pleasing in light of the relentless campaign of scaremongering and misinformation that has been waged by opponents. The vote was 73% in favour of continuing fluoridation – with more than 56% of eligible voters casting a ballot.
The results are also a vindication of the decision reached in 2013 by the Thames Community Board following 2 days of public hearings on fluoridation.

Lobbyists had never accepted the Community Board’s democratic decision and continued to pressure the Thames-Coromandel District Council – leading to the referendum which critics say was unnecessary had the council simply stood up to lobbyists and continued to reinforce the Community Board’s decision.

“What Thames residents have done today is to send a clear message that they trust their health professionals and the genuine science more than the squeaky lobbyists,” says MSoF President Daniel Ryan. “The relatively high turnout for a single issue referendum leaves absolutely no doubt that the Thames community was not impressed by the lobbyists.”

Ryan further notes that in a decision released publicly today, the activists’ billboard and flyer campaign advertising was found by the Advertising Standard Authority to be not truthful, played on fear and ‘presented an opinion as a statement of fact in a manner that was likely to mislead consumers and exploit their lack of knowledge’ The ASA also ruled it was not prepared with a due sense of social responsibility to consumers and to society.

“Thames people were subjected to scare tactics, but most voters have recognised the overwhelming scientific consensus of the safety and effectiveness of fluoridation,” says Ryan. “The lobbyists will no doubt move on to new territory now that Thames has so firmly shut the door.”

For more information, contact:

Daniel Ryan
President, MSoF
[email protected]

April Chang
Media Relations, MSoF
[email protected]